Le mille forme del tè, raccontate da chi lo conosce

Pietro e Melani raccontano come in Sri Lanka si usi abitualmente il tè ovunque! Lo si sorseggia a tutte le ore, lo si usa in cucina, se ne fanno persino cocktail. Ascolta i mille modi per usare il Ceylon tea, raccontati da Melani, studentessa in programma studio a Unipd. Il podcast è in inglese.

L’origine del tè: come nasce, dove e come poi raggiunge tutto il mondo

Scarica il podcast – Origine del tè

Ecco la trascrizione del podcast:

As promised last time, let me introduce you to the Sri Lankan tea culture, better known as “Ceylon Tea” around the world. Tea being one of the main exports of our country, has shaped the Sri Lankan lifestyle. We have tea in all forms..literally “all forms”. Well to begin with just like coffee, you can consume tea with or without milk and sugar as a sweetener. Even though having tea as a hot drink is the most popular way, iced tea is becoming increasingly popular. There are different kinds of tea; black, green etc. The spice tea varieties are also very nice which includes, cinnamon, cardamom and a range of different spices. We mix tea in cocktails, mocktails, mohito, to bake cakes, in desserts, as a dressing for salads and desserts, as a thickened sandwich sauce…you name it. High tea at tea lounges is a growing trend in Sri Lanka and there is a saying that most issues are solved over a cup of tea!

Qui Pietro e Melani raccontano quali mille forme può avere oltre alla classica tazza.. Alcune davvero insospettabili!

Scarica il podcast – Usi del tè